Recently, Ambo University, Addis Ababa University (College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine), Hawassa University, Jimma University and Ghent University have united forces into a University Network called IQ-GEAR (acronym for Interuniversity Collaboration for Quality Graduate Education and Research in Ethiopia). The vision of IQ-QEAR is to transform both postgraduate education and research quality, and to become a driver of equitable and sustainable development in Ethiopia. The main missions are (i) to deliver higher quality and inclusive postgraduate education, (ii) to improve research practices, and interuniversity/disciplinary research, (iii) to improve ICT and library services that enhance (i) and (ii), and to (iv) improve engagement of stakeholders that enhance (i) - (iii).
A word from the coordinators
Dear IQ-GEAR members, colleagues and friends,
We hope you and and your family had a wonderful Easter. Since our last newsletter in February a lot happened within the IQ-GEAR network: (i) Dr. Wakjira Kebede has succesfully defended his PhD; SP3 organized a seminar on High Performance Computers at Jimma; (ii) SP1 drafted a PhD competency framework for Ethiopian trajectories and (iii) organized the first part of the train-of-trainer for PhD supervision; (iv) SP2 awarded 9 interuniversity mobility/operational small grants; (v) we successfully co-organized a national workshop on PhD trajectory in Ethiopia. It is also our pleasure to inform you that Prof. Bizunesh has been promoted to Full Professor in Veterinary Infectious Diseases.
Meanwhile, the Network is planning ahead: (i) we plan a discussion on the process to validate the competency framework (May 21) and (ii) the second part of the train-of-trainers for PhD supervision at Hawassa (May 22 – 23), (iii) and a 2-week ICT training on Linus and network security in Belgium (May 27 – June 7).
Enjoy reading the newsletter and stay safe, Kas and Bruno
Draft competency framework for a PhD trajectory in Ethiopia
During a 4-day workshop (February 26 - 29) , SP1 worked towards a PhD competency framework. For this, they first reviewed existing frameworks, after which they drafted a framework for PhD trajectories for Ethiopia, consisting of 7 roles (e.g., expert in field of studies, communicator, collaborator and 15 competencies). Finally, the concept of this framework was presented and further discussed during the national workshop at Jimma University .
First part of the TOT for PhD supervision
On February 28 and 29, Impetus Academy provided the first part of the train-of-trainers to the 16 selected trainees candidates participated in the first part of the train-of-trainer.
Congrats Dr. Wakjira Kebede!
On February 21st, Dr. Wakjira Kebede succesfully defended his PhD entitled ‘Improving the management of hospitalized presumptive Xpert MTB/RIF-negative tuberculosis cases in Ethiopia’. Congrats also to the promotor Professor Annelies Van Rie (University of Antwerp) and Professor Gemeda Abebe (Jimma University)
March 1: National workshop
On March 1, we co-organized a national workshop with Minister of Education and Jimma University during which we updated the audience on the IQ-GEAR project. A total of 41 out of the 47 invited universities attended the workshop.
Seminar on HPC
Through a unique international collaboration between Ethiopian and Cuban Universities, a HPC is now fully operational at Jimma University. To share the knowledge and to provide support to researchers both within and beyond the IQ-GEAR, SP3 organized a 2-day seminar.
Congrats Prof. Bizunesh!
The work was financed by a Network University Cooperation Program of VLIR-UOS (Belgium;
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