Meeting on Ghent
15-Day Training at Ghent University for ICT staff.
In order to build the capacity of ICT staff at the Member University of the project, the ICT subproject of the VLIR-UOS IQ-GEAR project has organized a 15-day training program (from May 20 to June 9, 2024) at Ghent University. The training aims to enhance the ICT staff’s ability to implement open-source platforms for network security, network traffic shaping, and server virtualization, while minimizing costs and maximizing flexibility
 seminar on the Use of HPC in research
Meeting on Ghent
Meeting on Ghent university
Between September 30 and October 6 (2023), a delegation from the four Ethiopian partner universities and the external advisory committee visited Ghent. During their 7-day visit, they participated in a 2-day workshop, the joint steering committee and external advisory board meeting, while candidates were interview for the train-of-trainers for PhD supervision.
Ethiopian partner universities and the external advisory committee visited Ghent
Meeting on Ghent
Interuniversity reflections on a PhD trajectory in Ethiopia – acting together to improve postgraduate education.
On October 2 and 3, the IQ-Gear Project organized its meeting entitled ‘Interuniversity reflections on a PhD trajectory in Ethiopia – acting together to improve postgraduate education. This meeting was organized at Ghent and was attended by representatives of six universities both in Ethiopia (Addis Ababa University, Ambo University, Arba Minch University, Hawassa University, Jimma University, and Mekelle University) and two universities in Belgium (Ghent University and KU Leuven), the Ethiopian Federal Ministry of Education the funding agency and the Ethiopian Embassy in Belgium. The meeting was organized around four pre-defined topics, including (i) a PhD trajectory in an Ethiopian setting, (ii) PhD supervision in Ethiopia, (iii) interdisciplinary/university research and (iv) empowering female researchers. Each topic was addressed separate sessions. Each of these sessions was initiated by sharing experiences after which a panel discussion was organized.
PhD trajectory in Ethiopia
Meeting on Ghent
ICT Equipment donation and training
The IQ-GEAR has procured and donated a variety of ICT equipment to further strengthen the infrastructure at Jimma, Hawassa, Ambo, and Addis Ababa universities. In addition to that IQ-GEAR has given training on donated ICT equipment.
ICT equipment donated by IQ-GEAR
Meeting on Ghent
A two-day seminar on the Use of HPC in research
The ICT subproject of the VLIR-UOS IQ-GEAR project has organized a two-day (on February 20-21, 2024.) seminar on the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC) in research. The researcher and ICT staff participated in the seminar.
 seminar on the Use of HPC in research
Cybersecurity Belgium
Three day training on Jimma university on donated equipment.
IQ-Gear project in collaboration with Jimma University gave three-day training on Opnsense firewall and NAS configuration and usage to ICT professionals from Hawassa, Ambo and Jimma University from September 13-15, 2023 at Jimma University. According to Mr. Rudy, the trainer who came from Ghent University Belgium, this training will enable the use of the ICT equipment that donated by IQ-Gear project.
OPNsense and NAS training Jimma
Cybersecurity Belgium
Two weeks Training on Cybersecurity and Virtualization in Belgium for three trainees from Ethiopia.
From June 5 up to June 16, 2023 G.C, two-week training on Cybersecurity and Virtualization in Belgium, at Thomas More University of Applied Science and the University of Gent were given to Network and System administrators from Jimma, Hawassa and Ambo University.
During the training, the detailed lectures on the concepts of Cybersecurity, the logical flow of cybersecurity products, Proxmox Virtual environment, Proxmox backup services and open-source solutions were given to the trainee. In the practical session of the training, the trainees were configured firewall rules, services, intrusion detections and high availability.
The trainees also visited computer laboratories, the data center (the server room, cooling system, UPS and battery room, high-performance computing service, and generator) and different information technology systems.
Progress Report Group Photo
Cybersecurity Hawassa
IT-Security Training at Hawassa University from August 28 2023 to September 1 2023
IQ-GEAR Project in collaboration with Hawassa University invited two trainers from Belgium, Thomas More University of Applied Science and gave training for 5 days in IT-Security at Hawassa University to 16 trainees from Jimma, Ambo and Hawassa University. The trainees said that since the training was supported by practical exercises, it helped them to improve their Cybersecurity skills.
Progress Report Group Photo
Hawassa training
System administration training for Library and ICT staffs in Hawassa University
From June 5 up to June 7, 2023 G.C, The IQ-GEAR Network organized 3-day training on Linux desktop and server installation, Linux Backup, documentation writing and DSpace Repository system have been delivered to 11 Hawassa University College of medicine and health science ICT and Library staff. Trainees were also given a brief awareness regarding Linux system administration and security.
Topics that were included in the training were Proxmox backup system, squid proxy configuration,technical documentation writing, Dns bind9 configuration, Network Monitoring, libreNMS, intermediate Linux.

Progress Report Group Photo
Jimma training
Training is organized by the ICT project in the IQ-Gear program at Jimma university.
The three-day training was organized by the ICT project in the IQ-Gear program at Jimma university and has been delivered to ICT staff from Ambo, Arbaminch, Bahirda and Jima universities.
Topics that were included in the training were Proxmox backup system, squid proxy configuration,technical documentation writing, Dns bind9 configuration, Network Monitoring, libreNMS, intermediate Linux.

Progress Report Group Photo
agile leadership training
Agile leadership training for PhD supervisors
In the week of November 21, the IQ-GEAR Network organized agile leadership training to 16 PhD supervisors from Addis Ababa University, Ambo University, Hawassa University, Jimma University and Haramaya University. The training was provided by Impetus Academy, a spin-off Ghent University that is specialized in leadership and organization development. Following the training, a strategic meeting was organized with the core IQ-GEAR team to discuss on how this kind of training can be implemented within an Ethiopian setting, and further rolled out by Ethiopian trainers.
Attendant of IQ GEAR kick off meeting
kick off meeting
IQ-GEAR Kick-off Workshop
On October 17 (2022), Addis Ababa University College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture hosted the IQ-GEAR kick-off workshop at Bishoftu. The opening speech was given by representatives from the Ministry of Education (Dr. Eba Mijena) and the Belgian Embassy (Marie Huberlant). Dr. Eba emphasized there cannot be any compromise for the quality of education. During the kick-offI, several papers were presented by distinguished professors in relation to postgraduate education and research practices, including but not limited to ICT development and the realization of gender equality. The meeting was attended by the leadership of the different partner universities, stakeholders from ministries of education and agriculture, a delegation from Belgian universities, researchers and academics from local partner universities.
Attendant of IQ GEAR kick off meeting
progress meeting
Progress Meeting
A 5-day progress meeting (August 21-26, 2022) has been conducted at Ghent University (Belgium), to further discuss the activities for the upcoming project year (September 1, 2022 – August 31, 2023), including the kick-off meeting on October 17 at the College of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture (Addis Ababa University).
Progress Report Group Photo
cms training
A 5-day training on Content Management System (CMS) has been delivered to ICT-staffs from the four Ethiopian partner Universities. Trainees were given an in-depth hands-on training on how they can use CMS tools to develop websites and portfolios. Trainees were also given a brief awareness regarding Linux system administration and security.
CMS Training offered by IQ-GEAR Project
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